Wooden clock dan Clock Parts: Jual Clock Parts - Quartz atau Mechanical Movement
Mesin Jam Mekanik - Jerman
8 rods, 7-8 days and 3 Weight Chain driven, Quarterly Westminster and Hours Chime
W0451-053H Hermle Germany mov.t
12 rods, 7-8 days and 3 Weight Chain driven, Quarterly Westminster and Hours Chime
W0461-053H Hermle Germany mov.t
12 rods, 7-8 days and 3 Weight Chain driven, Quarterly and Hours chime (Westminster, Whittington, St.Michael)
W1161-053H Hermle Germany mov.t
8 rods, 7-8 days and 3 Weight Chain driven, Quarterly Westminster and Hours Chime
SK019 Kieninger Germany mov.t
12 rods, 7-8 days and 3 Weight Chain driven, Quarterly and Hours chime (Westminster, Whittington, St.Michael)
MKU01 Kieninger Germany mov.t
Mesin Jam Key-Winding - China
3 rods, 15-31 days, Half and Hours Bim-Bam Chime - Chinese mov.t
3 rods, 7-8 days and 2 Weight Chain driven, Half and Hours Bim-Bam Chime - Chinese mov.t
Mesin Jam OEM - GFClock Yasa Persada, Jakarta
3 rods, 7-8 days and 2 Weight Chain driven, Half and Hours Bim-Bam Chime
GF0261-080 Mechanical movement
3 rods, 7-8 days and 2 Weight CABLE Driven, Half and Hours Bim-Bam Chime
GF0241-840 Mechanical movement
8 rods, 7-8 days and 3 Weight Chain driven, Quarterly Westminster and Hours Chime
GF0451-053 Mechanical movement
12 rods, 7-8 days and 3 Weight Chain driven, Quarterly and Hours chime (Westminster, Whittington, St.Michael)
GF1161-053 Mechanical movement
12 rods, 7-8 days and 3 Weight CABLE Driven, Quarterly and Hours chime (Westminster, Whittington, St.Michael)
GF1161-853 Mechanical movement
Mesin Jam Quartz - Jepang
SKP - SEIKO movement
SUN 12888 - Youngtown movement
AP-0800x - ARK movement
Mesin Jam Antik - Grandfather clock
Memilih diantara dua model mesin jam mekanik atau mesin jam bandul gravitasi type GF1161-853 dan GF0451-053 berdasarkan fungsi dan peruntukan untuk membuat jenis dan model grandfather clock.
Perbedaan utama pada WEIGHT Driven, dimana untuk type GF1161-853 beban bandul ditarik dengan cara memutar roda penarik tali slink dengan Key winding, sedangkan untuk type GF0451-053 mengangkat beban bandul dengan cara di kerek melalui seutas rantai penarik beban.
Mesin Jam Grandfather GF1161-853 adalah jenis mesin jam Modern dengan mesin besar mampu menggoyangkan Pendulum diameter 270 mm, sedangkan GF0451-053 adalah jenis mesin jam Klasik untuk Pendulum diameter 220 mm.
GF1161-853 adalah mesin jam mekanik dengan 3 lubang Key Winding untuk memutar Slink tali bandul gravitasi agar bisa naik ke atas dan akan berkerja dengan gravitasi sepanjang 7-8 hari. Jenis mesin ini sangat unik dan modern dengan dilengkapi roda-roda pemutar tali slink.
Perlengkapan dan aksesoris pada mesin Jam Grandfather ini adalah: Pendulum BOB, Dial, Hands, Key Winding, Weinght Shell, dengan tambahan fungsi Moon Phase, Second function, Night Shut Off, Chime selection dan Silent Lever untuk memilih musik off-on Westminster, Whittington, St. Michael.
Size HWD
150 x 200 x 36 mm
Mechanical Movement 7-8 days WEIGHT Driven
Metal Brass 1,2 mm thicknesses
3 Weights CABLE Driven
12 rods Three Chime movement Mechanical movement - High Precision
3 Melody Westminster, Whittington, St. Michael by Quarterly and Hours chime
Square Dial 295 x 405 mm Stainless Steel 24K Gold polished atau Round Dial 300 mm atau 385 mm diameter by metal Stainless Steel 24K Gold polished. Hand, Minute, and Second black color
Metal Stainless Steel 24K Gold polished, Pendulum BOB 270 mm atau 220 mm diameter, dan panjang pendulum 995 - 1000 mm
Weights Shell
Diameter 60 x 245 mm Metal Stainless Steel 24K Gold polished 3 Weights Shell with Iron filling 4.5Kg ; 4Kg ; 4Kg
Metal Gong 12 rods black color
Second function, Moon Phase function, Night Shut Off dan Silent Lever function
Regular Price
(harga EOW / exit of work atau diambil di Workshop atau Showroom)
Warranty: Garansi 1 Tahun (Mesin Jam Mekanik dari Jerman dengan 3 Bandul Gravitasi)
GF0451-053 adalah mesin jam mekanik 3 bandul gravitasi atau Weight Driven dengan berat Weinght Shell masing - masing 2.5Kg ; 3Kg ; 3Kg dengan perlengkapan dan aksesoris lainnya seperti Pendulum BOB 220 mm diameter, Dial, Hands, dan fungsi tambahan Moon Phase, Second function, Night Shut Off, Silent Lever.
Bunyi musik mesin jam grandfather ini adalah Westminster setiap seperempat jam dan dentang pukulan lonceng sejumlah jarum penunjuk waktu.
Size HWD
115 x 120 x 35 mm
Mechanical Movement 7-8 days WEIGHT Driven
Metal Brass 1,2 mm thicknesses
3 Weights CHAIN Driven
8 rods Westminster movement Mechanical movement - High Precision
Melody Westminster only by Quarterly and Hours chime
Square Dial 295 x 405 mm Stainless Steel 24K Gold polished atau Round Dial 300 mm atau 385 mm diameter by metal Stainless Steel 24K Gold polished. Hand, Minute, and Second black color
Metal Stainless Steel 24K Gold polished, Pendulum BOB 220 mm diameter, dan panjang pendulum 995 - 1000 mm
Weights Shell
Diameter 48 x 235 mm Metal Stainless Steel 24K Gold polished 3 Weights Shell with Iron filling 2.5Kg ; 3Kg ; 3Kg
Metal Gong 8 rods black color
Second function, Moon Phase function, Night Shut Off dan Silent Lever function
Regular Price
(harga EOW / exit of work atau diambil di Workshop atau Showroom)
Warranty: Garansi 1 Tahun (Mesin Jam Mekanik dari Jerman dengan 3 Bandul Gravitasi)
Produk Jam Dinding Kayu , antara lain:
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Koleksi Jam Grandfather clocks , antara lain:
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